BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) - vertaling naar Engels
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BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) - vertaling naar Engels

X12.852; Data-Interchange-Standards-Association; EDI 852

Interchanged; Interchanges; Interchange (disambiguation)
(n.) = intercambio
Ex: Both UKMARC and UNIMARC comply with ISO 2709, the international standard for bibliographic record interchange on magnetic tape.
* ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) = ASCII (Código Normalizado Americano para el Intercambio de Información)
* BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) = BEDIS (Comité de Normas de Intercambio de Información Electrónica del Comercio del Libro)
* EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) = EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos)
* GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) = GIF (Formato de Intercambio de Gráficos)
* information interchange = intercambio de información
book trade [booktrade]      
(n.) = mercado editorial, comercio del libro

Def: Término con el que nos referimos al conjunto de actividades de edición, impresión y venta del libro.
Ex: Nowadays there is a clear three-part division of the book trade into publishers, wholesalers, printers, and retailers, but in the hand-press period the functions of book traders overlapped to a much greater extent.
* BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) = BEDIS (Comité de Normas de Intercambio de Información Electrónica del Comercio del Libro)
* booktrade journal = boletín de la producción editorial
* book-trade life = mundo del comercio del libro
  • the Sejm]], lower house of the Polish parliament in [[Warsaw]] (2018).
  • Perustuslakivaliokunta}}) at the [[House of the Estates]] in Helsinki, [[Finland]] in 1918. The chairman of the committee, [[K. J. Ståhlberg]], at the left end of the table with his back to the camera.
Cmte.; Standing committee; Special committee; Conference committee; Conference commitees; Committees; Standing committees; Subcommittee; Commitee; Conference commitee; Policy committee; Standing Committee; Legislative committee; Parliamentary committee; Fiscal committee; Permanent committee; Nominating committee; Conference Committee; Executive committee; Commit (motion); Discharge a committee; Refer to a committee; Working committee; Research committee; Parliamentary committees; Steering committee; Oblispolkom; Gorispolkom; Raiispolkom; Posispolkom; Rayispolkom; Recommit; Motion to commit; Motions to commit; Motion to recommit; Motions to recommit; Refer (motion); Motion to refer; Motions to refer; Nomination committee; Nominating Committee; Committe; Steering Committee; Ad hoc committee; Parliamentary Committee; Comitee; Comittee; Special Committee; Committie; Nominations committee; Referred to committee; Committee assignment; Motion to discharge
(n.) = comité
Ex: Amongst these are numbered: some specific legal and governmental works, such as laws, decrees, treaties; works that record the collective thought of a body, for example, reports of commissions and committees; and various cartographic materials.
* ad hoc committee = comité ad hoc, comisión especial
* advisory committee = comité asesor, comité consultivo
* appoint + committee = elegir un comité, nombrar un comité
* BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) = BEDIS (Comité de Normas de Intercambio de Información Electrónica del Comercio del Libro)
* Catalog Code Revision Committee (CCRC) = Comité de Revisión de las Reglas de Catalogación (CCRC)
* committee minutes = minutas de reuniones
* Committee of Agricultural Producer Organizations (COPA) = Comité de las Organizaciones de Productores Agrícolas (COPA)
* Committee on Accreditation (COA) = Comité para la Homologación (COA)
* committee paper = informe de una comisión
* consultative committee = comité consultivo
* coordinating committee = comité coordinador
* course committee = comité de ordenación académica
* examining committee = tribunal examinador
* finance committee = comité de asuntos económicos
* International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS) = Comité Internacional del Escudo Azul (ICBS)
* interview committee = comité seleccionador
* joint committee = comité conjunto
* Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) = Comité Conjunto para Sistemas de Información (JISC)
* library committee = comisión de biblioteca
* National Advisory Committee (NACO) = Comité Nacional de Asesoramiento (NACO)
* organising committee = comité organizador
* planning committee = comité de planificación
* professional committee = comité de expertos
* review committee = comité de evaluación
* scientific committee = comité científico
* SCOOP (Standing Committee on Official Publications of the Information Servic = SCOOP (Comité Permanente sobre Publicaciones Oficiales de la LA)
* search and screen committee = comité de selección
* search committee = comité de selección
* select committee = comité selecto
* serve on + committee = formar parte de un comité
* set up + committee = crear un comité, formar un comité
* SISAC (Serials Industry Systems Advisory Committee) = SISAC (Comité Asesor para los Sistemas Comerciales de Publicaciones Seriadas)
* standing committee = comité permanente
* steering committee = comité directivo, comité de dirección
* subcommittee = subcomité
* University Grants Committee (UGC) = Departamento de Financiación de las Universidades (UGC)


libro verde
term. comp. fig. fam.
1) Literatura. Cuaderno en que se escriben noticias curiosas de algunos países y personas, y en especial de los linajes, y de lo que tienen de bueno o de malo.
2) fig. fam. Persona dedicada a semejantes averiguaciones.


Data Interchange Standards Association

The Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA) was the organization that supported various other organizations, for the most part, responsible for the development of cross-industry electronic business interchange standards.

DISA served as the Secretariat for ASC X12 and their X12 EDI and XML standards development process. As of January 2016, DISA no longer exists. The Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 develops and maintains the most widely implemented EDI standards.

These standards interface with a multitude of e-commerce technologies and serve as the premier tool for integrating e-commerce applications. Through the X12 Committee's standards and active participation in emerging and relevant technical initiatives (XML, ebXML), they foster cross-industry consensus and set the norm for more effective data exchange.